Moscow continues to bomb in the East

On the 82nd day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, this Monday, May 16, follow live the latest information on the conflict.

► Moscow has blocked the RFI website, which broadcasts information in fifteen languages ​​including Russian. An alternative URL address allows access to the site in French and in Russian. RFI in Russian is also available on Telegram: via a VPN and in Russia in French via satellite on Hotbird.

► The site of the Russian editorial staff of RFI broadcasts Ukrainian public radio (in the Ukrainian language) from the home page.

► The Russian pressure remains strong in the East of Ukraine, particularly in the Donbass region, where the Russians had announced that they would concentrate their military effort.

However, kyiv remains convinced of winning. Little by little, we force the occupants to leave our lands “Said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Saturday, acknowledging however that ” the situation in the Donbass remains very difficult. Russian troops are trying to achieve at least one victory there “.

► NATO countries will continue to help Ukraine militarilyassured Berlin as Finland announced a “historic” candidacy for the Atlantic Alliance.

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04:05: Towards an intensification of Russian attacks in the Donbass

Ukraine is preparing for an intensification of Russian attacks in the Donbass, in the east of the country, a priority objective for Moscow but where its forces are losing momentum, while the Ukrainian army continues its counter-offensive in the region from Kharkov. ” We are preparing for new attempts by Russia to attack in Donbass, to somehow intensify its movement towards southern Ukraine “Launched Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in a video published Sunday evening. And yet, according to him, the occupants still do not want to admit that they are at an impasse “.

4:00 a.m.: The US Embassy will resume operations “very soon”

Speaking in Berlin on May 15 during meetings with NATO, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the US Embassy was taking all necessary precautions, but work was underway to resume operations in kyiv very soon.

