Moscow accuses London of participating in a drone attack in Crimea

Moscow accuses London of participating in a drone attack in

According to the Russian military, a drone attack was repelled by its fleet in Sevastopol Bay, Crimea. She blames this drone offensive, which damaged a ship, on Ukraine but also on the United Kingdom, at the center of all Russian attention this Saturday, also accused of having been involved in the Nord Stream affair.

The pro-Russian authorities of the Crimean peninsula, annexed by the Russian Federation in 2014, announced early this Saturday October 29 that ships of the Russian fleet in the Black Sea had repelled an attack carried out using drones in the Sevastopol Bay. All of the attacking craft were shot down, they added.

No facilities in the city were affected. The situation is under control said the city’s pro-Russian governor, Mikhail Razvojayev, while the Russian Defense Ministry reported “ minor damage » on the minesweeper ship Ivan Golubetsand on the bay containment dam.

Moscow incriminates kyiv… and London. ” The preparation of this terrorist act and the training of the military personnel of the 73rd Ukrainian center for special maritime operations were carried out by British specialists based in Ochakov, in the Mykolaiv region of Ukraine “, accused the Russian Ministry of Defense on Telegram.

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Moscow suspends participation in deal on grain exports from Ukraine

The British Defense denounced ” fake news “, a ” made up story ” for ” distract from his disastrous handling of the illegal invasion of Ukraine “. An adviser to the Ukrainian interior minister suggested that a ” careless handling of explosives by Russian forces had caused the incident.

For the governor, it is the most massive attack by drones and remotely piloted surface vehicles on the waters of the bay since the beginning of the war, when Crimea served as HQ for this fleet and as a logistical rear base for the Russian offensive. Military and civilian installations have been targeted there in recent months.

The offensive would have involved “ nine unmanned aerial vehicles and seven autonomous maritime drones “, and would have targeted, according to Moscow’s assertions, ships participating in the security of convoys responsible for exporting Ukrainian cereals in favor of an agreement which had been concluded under the aegis of the UN and Turkey.

Russia finally announced on Saturday the suspension of its participation in this agreement, which it had recently criticized, but which is vital for the food supply of poor countries, “ in view of the terrorist act carried out by the kyiv regime with the participation of British experts “, justifies the Russian Defense.

►To re-read: War in Ukraine: Russia announces the end of the partial mobilization

Russia to raise Sevastopol and Nord Stream attacks in Security Council

Moscow” intends to draw the attention of the international community, in particular through the United Nations Security Council, to the series of terrorist attacks perpetrated against Russia in the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea, including with the involvement of the Britain “, also indicated Saturday the Russian diplomacy.

Because Russia also accused London, today, in the Nord Stream case. ” Representatives of a British Navy unit were involved in the planning, logistics and implementation of the terrorist act in the Baltic Sea on September 26 to undermine the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines “, according to the Russian Defense.

In response to all these accusations, in a tweet, the British Ministry of Defense said this afternoon that the disinformation spread by the Russian Defense reached “ epic scale “. That “ says more about disputes within the Russian government than about the West “, we consider, in the United Kingdom.

With agencies
