Moroccan imam Hassan Iquioussen to be expelled from Belgium

Moroccan imam Hassan Iquioussen to be expelled from Belgium

Moroccan imam Hassan Iquioussen, exiled this summer in Belgium to escape a deportation order from France to Morocco, was placed this Tuesday evening in a Belgian detention center with a view to deportation from the territory. This decision is judged scandalous by his lawyers.

From the judicial field, the file moved to that of the administration, the Belgian government noting that the imam is illegally staying in Belgium and is not intended to stay there. The expulsion plan, announced this Wednesday by the Belgian Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration, Nicole de Moor, follows the refusal, repeated on Tuesday by Belgian justice, to hand over the imam to French justice in under a European arrest warrant.

The 58-year-old preacher’s lawyers argued that the offense charged in France – ” avoidance of the execution of a deportation measure – did not exist in Belgian law, which is a condition for a European arrest warrant to be executed. The Tournai court, at the end of October, then Mons Court of Appealthis Tuesday, November 15, had proved them right.

We are in contact with France to allow its withdrawal from the territory “Said Nicole de Moor, Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration, in a tweet, suggesting that the imam could first be handed over to the French authorities before deportation to Morocco. No deadline was specified. There is ” no place for foreign hate preachers in our country added this Flemish Christian Democrat official.

In a press release, she also noted that Mr. Iquioussen “ gives no sign that he wishes to return voluntarily in his country and the French authorities are still demanding his return so that they can send him to Morocco “. Lucie Simon, the imam’s French lawyer, judged this placement in a closed center ” purely outrageous “, believing that political power circumvented” once again the judiciary ” in that case.

On Twitter, she accused the Belgian immigration administration of ” to have agreed with the prosecution » for the file to take the administrative route.

“Hate speech”

According to a police source, the imam was placed in the closed center of Vottem in the municipality of Liège, in eastern Belgium. Hassan Iquioussen, arrested on September 30 in the region of Mons, in French-speaking Belgium and who had been under house arrest under electronic surveillance since All Saints’ Day, has been at the heart of a political and legal imbroglio for four months.

At the end of July, the French Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin announced the expulsion of this preacher from the North, on file S, for state security, by the intelligence services. The decree signed by the minister’s hand reproaches him ” a proselytizing discourse interspersed with remarks inciting hatred and discrimination and carrying a vision of Islam contrary to the values ​​of the Republic “.

But Mr. Iquioussen could not be found when this decree – which he had challenged in court – had been definitively validated by the Council of State on August 31. In an interview in the form of my culpa broadcast by the French daily The Parisianthe imam admits that in the past he was able to hold inappropriate remarks and certain expressions that deceive (his) thought “.

I am ready to accept reproaches, a lawsuit. I am quite willing to be condemned because it is certain and certain that I said reprehensible things. But evicting me from where I was born, where I’ve always lived, is like uprooting an oak tree “, he added.

Born in France, Hassan Iquioussen had decided when he came of age not to opt for French nationality. He claims to have given it up at the age of 17 under the influence of his father and then to have tried in vain to recover it. His five children and his 15 grandchildren are French and established in France, in the Nord department: one of his sons is an imam in Raismes, another ex-elected PS in Lourches.

(With AFP)
