Morning or evening: when is the best time to take a shower?

Morning or evening Here is the best option for showering

The dermatologist’s response.

A morning shower to recover from the night and get a boost, or a night shower to get rid of impurities and bad smells ? For Dr Marc Perrussel, dermatologist and venereologist in Rennes, it is above all a question of lifestyle habits. But to choose, the evening would be the best option and above all, the most logical. “In fact, taking a shower in the evening helps eliminate bacteria, dirt, perspiration and bad odors accumulated throughout the day on the skin and hair. Especially since going to bed without Having washed can lead to the obstruction of pores and therefore the appearance of blackheads on the face, but also increases the risk of allergies.argues the specialist.

The evening shower also promotes relaxation and falling asleep. Be careful though, you should not go to bed with wet hair. First, because humidity in the neck can cause stiffness in the neck and stiff necks when you wake up. But also because it promotes skin irritation and itching. Finally, going to bed with wet hair can damage the hair and make it brittle.

What about those who take two showers a day? Beyond the fact that this habit is not very ecological, it would be harmful to the health of the skin. Because of course, we eliminate the bacteria which are harmful to the skin, but we also attack the hydrolipidic film which ensures the defense of our body against the outside world. On the other hand, it is possible to simply wash the genitals and armpits using a washcloth. “A shower a day is enough but it all depends on the physical and sexual activity you have had. The older you are, the more fragile the skin is so you will limit yourself to a shower with non-aggressive cleansing products”confirms Dr. Marc Perrussel.

The season also influences. In summer, we may be tempted to shower to cool off, while in winter, we find it more difficult to get naked in the shower for fear of being cold. We then rely on the hot shower to warm up and relax, but be careful because this tends to dry out the skin.
