More viruses than ever in circulation – "children especially affected"

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

There have never been so many viruses in circulation at the same time as this winter, according to the Public Health Agency. And children are especially affected. – Small children born during the pandemic have not been able to build up their immune system, says state epidemiologist Anders Lindblom. This year’s winter season is not over and therefore not fully summed up. But already now the Public Health Authority can see that Swedes have been affected by a record number of viruses this season. – We have had covid-19, the RS virus and the flu virus circulating at the same time, says state epidemiologist Anders Lindblom. The reason is that we see each other more now, after a long period of restrictions during the pandemic. This means that infections that could not spread during the restrictions have now gained new power. Children especially affected When many people get sick at the same time, the proportion of seriously ill people increases, something the health care and children’s outpatient clinics in the country have reported on. Children born during the pandemic have been particularly affected, says Anders Lindblom. Because they were not exposed to viral infections and resulted in a poor resistance to the viruses. – They have to come into contact with viral infections to build up an immune system. It is also important so that you don’t get as sick in adulthood or when you get older, he says. “Important to vaccinate” If you are sick and not just a little snotty, you should stay at home, says Anders Lindblom. And he stresses the importance of getting vaccinated. – For those who may become seriously ill, it is important that you follow our recommendations. See the interview with the state epidemiologist in the player above.
