More than half of Italian companies sell on digital stores: how to manage the business on marketplaces

More than half of Italian companies sell on digital stores

(Finance) – Italiaonline presents InMarketplace, a solution designed to support customers in managing and optimizing their business on digital stores such as Amazon and eBay. Today, companies are moving ever closer to sales on marketplace: over half of Italian companies sell on marketplaces. Among these, 27% recorded an impact on turnover greater than 50%, for 17% it was even greater than 75%.

InMarketplace is made up of two pillars: the platform and the connected consultancy service. Thanks to InMarketplace, with a single tool the merchant can manage his product catalog, defining a price/inventory strategy for each channel, orders and shipments. Simple and clear graphs show sales by single channel, a report on orders processed, those canceled or returned, all completely customizable. InMarketplace is also Advisory Serviceto offer constant support to merchants.

“Marketplaces represent a great business development opportunity for Italian companies, because they allow them to reach millions of consumers all over the world. Italiaonline takes another important step towards its customers, supporting them in the more effective management of this fundamental digital commerce channel. InMarketplace allows customers to centralize the management and analysis of the various sales channels, generating synergies in terms of costs and time. With the support of Italiaonline’s best consultants it will be easy to scale up your sales. Marketplaces represent the first sector in Italy for turnover growth and drive the development of digital commerce in our country. In this scenario, Italiaonline strengthens its role as a key partner in the digitalisation of Italian companies to build the Italy of the future.” declares Umberto PoschiChief Web and Media Services Officer Italiaonline.
