More than ever, Democrats in the US Congress demand that Biden drop out of the presidential race | News in brief

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Pressures on the President of the United States Joe Biden to withdraw from the presidential race grew again as the weekend dawned. On Friday, local time, a dozen congressional Democrats called for Biden’s exclusion from the race.

The New York Times according to monitoring, a total of 11 Democrats in the US Senate or House of Representatives announced publicly during Friday that Biden should step down.

It is the largest number of such calls in a single day since Biden’s candidacy began to be questioned following a dismal campaign performance in late June.

In total, more than 30 Democratic representatives have already publicly urged Biden to drop out of the race.

The pressure for Biden’s withdrawal has increased in recent days, as the US media have told their insider sources, citing, among other things, the former president Barack Obama’sformer Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi and that the current Democratic leaders of Congress have told Biden of their concerns.

What happens if Biden withdraws?

No one knows what the selection process for a new presidential candidate would be like if Biden withdrew from the race. Many Democrats believe that if Biden withdraws, the party will support the vice president Horrible Harris candidacy, says news channel CNN.

Senator from Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren said Saturday that Joe Biden is the party’s nominee with a really big decision to make. At the same time, he praised Biden for being a “president of change”.

According to Warren, Vice President Kamala Harris is “ready to step up, unite the party, compete Donald Trump against and to win in November,” if Biden withdrew from the race.

Warren’s laudatory comments about Harris are a stark contrast to March 2023. At the time, he did not answer a question about whether he thought Harris should stick with Biden in the next presidential election. According to CNN, Warren called Harris twice to apologize, but Harris did not call back. Warren later released a statement clarifying her position.

Trump tightened security measures

At the same time, Trump is making a return to the campaign fields after last weekend’s assassination attempt and after securing the nomination of the Republican Party in an almost ecstatic party convention.

Late on Saturday evening Finnish time, Trump had an upcoming campaign event in Grand Rapids, Michigan together with the Republican vice presidential candidate By JD Vance with.

Security is now even tighter, and the event will be held indoors, in a 12,000-seat sports hall, so last weekend’s gross failure to protect the candidate is not about to happen again.
