More than a thousand square kilometers were recaptured from the Russian troops during September

More than a thousand square kilometers were recaptured from the

In his daily video speech, President Volodymyr Zelenskyi thanked the United States for the new support packages, which, according to Zelenskyi, have helped the Ukrainian forces to retake the territories occupied by the Russian forces.

As a result of their counterattack, the forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have recaptured more than a thousand square kilometers from the Russian forces since the beginning of September, said the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi in his daily speech on Thursday evening.

In addition, thanks to the counterattack, the Ukrainian forces have regained control of several dozen population centers, Zelenskyi said.

– Today this movement continued, we got more results, Zelenskyi said.

In addition to his daily speech, Zelenskyi released a video on Thursday in which Ukrainian forces said they had recaptured the town of Balakleya in eastern Ukraine, which is a key part of the Kharkiv region.

Zelenskyi: The support has a real impact on the defense of our country and the whole of Europe against Russian terror

In his video speech, Zelenskyi also told about his meeting with the US Secretary of State by Antony Blinken with earlier on Thursday.

It was the second time that Blinken visited the capital Kyiv after the start of the war in Ukraine. Nothing was announced to the public about Blinken’s visit in advance.

Blinken said at a press conference in Kiev that the Ukrainian armed forces have made clear progress on the battlefield.

– It is still early to say, but we see clear and real progress on the battlefield, especially in the Kherson region, but also in the Donbas region in the east, Blinken said.

Speaking at a press conference with Blinken, Zelenskyi said US support has helped Ukrainian forces retake areas occupied by Russian forces.

– I thanked the US Secretary of State for his personal contribution in helping us, Zelenskyi said in his speech on Thursday evening.

In addition, Zelenskyi thanked the US president Joe Biden a decision on a new arms aid package worth 675 million dollars to be given to Ukraine, as well as an aid package worth more than two billion dollars to European countries that are the target of Russian manipulation.

According to Zelensky, Ukraine will receive more than a billion dollars from this package.

– Each of these steps of our allies has a real impact on the strength of our state and the defense of the whole of Europe against Russian terror, Zelenskyi says.
