More than a quarter of Russians have difficulty accessing the websites they want – most news is watched on TV, says survey

Is Russia really going to break away from the whole

Russia has blocked several hundred websites since the start of the war. For example, you can’t access Facebook or Instagram from Russia.

According to it, 70% of respondents received their news mainly from television. The figure is up six percentage points from a year ago.

Russian television channels are state-owned, and the president Vladimir Putin the administration uses them to spread propaganda about the events of the war in Ukraine. Watching television makes it impossible for Russia to obtain objective or truthful information about the war.

For the Levada survey, more than 1,600 Russians were interviewed on 24-30 March. March.

The network is much less trusted than TV

According to Levada, 68 percent of respondents said they use the Internet on a daily basis.

However, the Internet and social media reported clearly fewer sources of news than television; less than 40 percent of respondents

According to Levada, the network is also much less trusted than television. When more than half of respondents said they trusted television, only 17 percent trusted online publishing.

Every fourth difficulty getting to the website you want

Russia has blocked hundreds of different websites and services since the war began. For example, you can’t access social media channels on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Also on the ban list are, for example, the pages of the British broadcaster BBC, Deutsche Welle, a foreign service of the German Broadcasting Corporation, and several Ukrainian media outlets.

In the survey, more than a quarter of respondents (27%) said they had not accessed all the websites they normally used in the past month.

Less than a quarter use a VPN connection when browsing the network

In a Levada survey, about a quarter (23%) of respondents said they use the Internet via VPN.

28 percent of respondents said they knew what a VPN is, but had not deployed the service. However, the vast majority of respondents (46%) heard about the service for the first time in a survey.

According to a Swedish-language study by Svenska , Google searches for VPN services doubled in March after Russia blocked access to various social media sites.

You will be able to discuss the subject until 11 pm on Friday, 15 April 2022.
