More than 5,500 earthquakes recorded in 2 days in Iceland: towards an imminent volcanic eruption?

Faults actively participate in the evacuation of the internal heat

A seismic swarm began on Saturday July 30 at the level of the Reykjanes peninsula, in the south-west of Iceland. Even if the inhabitants of this sector no longer count the tremors that have been occurring there for two and a half years, this swarm is particularly intense. Does it announce an eruption?

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Since noon, July 30, more than 5,500 earthquakes occurred on the Reykjanes peninsula, an average of two per minute! Yes, Iceland is an island geologically active, but for comparison, “only” 800 earthquakes were recorded on the island during the week between July 18 and 24, for example. These are mainly events of low magnitudes, but the swarm also has 94 earthquakes of magnitude greater than 3 at this time. Moreover, since midnight this 1er August, six events of magnitude greater than 4 have occurred, suggesting that this crisis is intensifying…

Some of these earthquakes were felt, in particular that of yesterday at 5:47 p.m., of magnitude 5.4, which was perceived up to more than 130 km from the epicenter! This earthquake caused some damage, in the village of Grindavik in particular.

The magnitude 5.4 earthquake felt by one of the webcams that points to the eruptive cone formed during last year’s eruption. Notice how this one reacts!

Damage following the 5:47 p.m. earthquake.

A seismic swarm probably of magmatic origin

This seismic swarm is part of a seismo-volcanic crisis which began at the beginning of the year 2020 on this Reykjanes peninsula and which saw several seismic swarms occur, as well asa six-month eruption last year. It is likely that this swarm is due to movements magma at depth, but in many cases it does not have enough strength to reach the surface. As a result, while an eruption in Iceland soon is not certain, it is now more likely. This is why the Icelandic authorities have placed the sector on yellow alert for aviation…

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