More than 500 million users’ data is believed to have been leaked from the ticketing service Ticketmaster | Culture

More than 500 million users data is believed to have

The data leak seems global. However, there is no certainty whether it also applies to Finnish users.

A massive breach of user data is believed to have occurred in the world’s largest ticket brokerage service Ticketmaster. They talk about it, among other things The Guardian, Mashable and news agency AFP.

A group called ShinyHunters announced on Wednesday on the so-called dark web that it has acquired the user data of 560 million Ticketmaster customers, which it is willing to sell to a willing buyer for $500,000. The group has also demanded a ransom for not publishing the data it has obtained.

According to the claims, the captured data includes names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, and the end of credit card number sequences and card expiration dates.

Australian authorities said on Thursday that they are investigating the case in cooperation with the US Federal Police, the FBI. Neither Ticketmaster nor its parent company Live Nation has yet publicly commented on the incident.

There is no information on whether the data breach concerns, for example, Finnish user accounts. However, the large number suggests a global breakout.

has not reached a representative from Ticketmaster to comment on the matter.

Data from more than a decade

The group of information security researchers vx-underground said on Thursday morning message service in X, that according to its assessment, a data breach has very likely occurred. Ryhmittymä says that he has talked with several parties with knowledge of the matter and that he has reviewed the material distributed to them as a sample of the leak.

According to Vx-underground’s information, the ShinyHunters group was not the perpetrator of the data breach, but acts as an intermediary selling data to the actual party that committed the breach. According to experts, the information was accessed in April, and there is material from at least 2011.

The United States filed a lawsuit against Ticketmaster last week the charge, according to which Ticketmaster and Livenation would have a monopoly position. The company’s pricing methods and very strong hold on the country’s music market have caused indignation for a long time.
