more than 49.3 outside of financial texts, hopes Élisabeth Borne

more than 493 outside of financial texts hopes Elisabeth Borne

As the tenth day of mobilization against the government’s pension reform looms on Tuesday, the Prime Minister tried to regain control, this Sunday, March 26, in an interview with Agence France-Presse. But Elisabeth Borne remains straight in her boots, concerning the text of all discord.

While the situation is explosive on the national territory, the French Prime Minister wishes to receive, in the week of April 3, the parliamentary groups and the political parties, including those of the opposition, but also the representatives of the communities, with the aim of ” appease the country “.

But while the inter-union is preparing for a new day of mobilization this Tuesday, new demonstrations, new strikes, a slot is also planned, specifies Élisabeth Borne to AFP, for possible meetings with trade unions and employers’ organizations. , the following week, that of the 10.

I am at the disposal of the social partners. We have to find the right path: are these bilateral meetings? An inter-union? We need to calm down. And that we can resume work on all these sites “, such as hardship, professional retraining, etc.

Dialogue with all the players on the method we want to put in place.

►Read also: Pensions: after the divisions, the majority tries to pick up the pieces with Édouard Philippe

On the use of 49.3

Until then, there is no question of backing down on the reform or the postponement of the legal retirement age, which is unanimously against him within the organizations for the defense of workers. Ms. Borne rejects the request of the general secretary of the CFDT reform union, Laurent Berger, to suspend its application.

In the eyes of the head of government, who specifies that the bill was adopted in Parliament, despite the absence of a vote and the use of 49.3, the pension reform will ” follow his journey “, up to the Constitutional Council, which will give an opinion, then the President of the Republic ” must enact the law “.

A ” objective “, on the other hand: Élisabeth Borne wishes to no longer use this article 49.3 of the French Constitution, which allows a text to be passed by force in the National Assembly, but which literally and figuratively put the fire in the country. She would now like to reserve it for financial texts.

The objective that I set for the future is not 49.3 outside the financial texts.

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Macron at the helm

Despite the absence of an absolute majority to obtain the confidence of the Bourbon Palace, the French Prime Minister is visibly seeking to project herself into the future, in her post. She is charged by Emmanuel Macron to build a government program and a legislative program, for the future.

And to specify that she will deploy “, to do this, a ” action plan “over the next three weeks, ” which mobilizes all the actors who want to advance ” France. ” We really want to prioritize a few topics to quickly show concrete results to the French “, she confides.

The Head of State will receive this Monday, at the Elysée Palace, Élisabeth Borne, then the executives of his relative majority, namely the leaders of the parties that compose it, the ministers and the parliamentarians, in order there again to refine a strategy to try to get out of the crisis. And this, therefore, on the eve of a new meeting in the street.

(With AFP)
