more than 430 migrants stranded on SeaWatch3 off Agrigento

more than 430 migrants stranded on SeaWatch3 off Agrigento

In the Mediterranean, crossings are increasing. More than 1,000 people have been rescued in recent days by humanitarian ships operating at sea on board, the passengers, exhausted or traumatized, are stranded on the pontoons in full sun. The NGOs are calling for a safe port in Italy as soon as possible.

With our correspondent in Rome, Blandine Hugonnet

For days, three humanitarian ships have been carrying out rescue operations at sea for makeshift canoes, deflated tires, drifting boats… and on board exhausted people, who have left Libya or Tunisia.

As on other lifeboats, on the pontoon of the SeaWatch, the survivors are overwhelmed by the heat and crowding. Men and women, some of whom are pregnant, and others who have wounds or illnesses that require treatment. Several have already had to be evacuated from the German ship in recent hours.

We need a safe harbor right away for rescued people ! »: on board, Anne is the chief of operations for SeaWatch3.

With more than 430 survivors waiting since last weekend, the ship has approached Italy, the Sicilian coast and is now facing the port of Agrigento, awaiting a response from Italy.

A lack of responsiveness denounced by the humanitarian manager: “ It is our civilian relief ships that are actively trying to prevent deaths in the central Mediterranean and illegal repatriations. What is happening today is neither a surprise, nor an accident, nor an emergency… It is the consequence of a political decision by Italy and Europe, to deliberately endanger the lives of migrant people. »

In total, in four days, there are nearly 1,200 castaways including several hundred unaccompanied minors that the crews of SeaWatch, SOS Méditerranée and Médecins Sans Frontières have rescued off the African coast. These candidates for exile have attempted the deadly crossing and now hope to set foot on Italian soil as soon as possible.
