More than 30 Dead in Army Violence in Myanmar

According to the reports of local media and human rights groups, more than 30 people, including children and women, were killed and their corpses were burned in the Kayah region of Myanmar, where conflict continues. It was stated that the incident was carried out by Myanmar army forces.

In the statement made by the Karenni Human Rights Organization, it was stated that the burned bodies of more than 30 people, including the elderly, women and children, were found near the village of Moso in the town of Hpruso.

In a statement made on the organization’s Facebook account, the killing of civilians was strongly condemned.

In the statement made by the Myanmar army, it was stated that while the details of the incident were not shared, 7 vehicles with armed terrorists in the region opened fire and some people were killed when they did not comply with the stop warning. The military did not comment on reports of civilians being killed.

In the images reflected on social media, the lifeless bodies of burned people are seen inside the vehicles.

The anti-coup armed group Karenni National Defense Force, which showed the strongest resistance to the army in the region, said in a statement that the people killed were not their own members, but only refugees trying to escape from the region.

Locals said they heard the gunshots and saw the fire, but could not go to the area until the soldiers left for fear that they would be shot too.

Clashes between the groups that opposed the coup and the army in Myanmar still continue in different parts of the country.

Myanmar’s military seized power in February after alleged election fraud won by Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi. Since then, turmoil has continued in the country. It is stated that at least 902 people lost their lives in clashes in the country since February 1, when the army seized the administration and declared a state of emergency for one year. Some human rights organizations state that the death toll is over 1,200.

