More than 100 million Samsung phones are on sale with security vulnerabilities -LOG

More than 100 million Samsung phones are on sale with

South Korean tech giant SamsungToday, it is on the agenda with a phone-oriented bad news but not reflected to the end user. is located.

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based in Israel Tel Aviv University by researchers Samsung Galaxy S8, Galaxy S9, Galaxy S10, Galaxy S20 and Galaxy S21 A security vulnerability has been found in phone models. It is reported that more than 100 million phones have been released to the market with this vulnerability. In this regard, it is stated that the wide-ranging vulnerability is related to the cryptographic key storage on the phones and can give malicious people access to some key data stored on the phones.

The only positive aspect of the process is that Tel Aviv University researchers informed Samsung about this and that the vulnerabilities were corrected. be closed with published security vulnerabilities. Explanations specifically sent by Samsung August 2021 and October 2021 It has been eliminated with Android security updates.

According to the statement, these vulnerabilities are widely There is no indication that it is used for attack purposes.. In this respect, there is nothing overly worrying for the end user.


It is vital to keep phones up-to-date against these and similar security vulnerabilities. The latest development once again reveals how important both security updates and major version updates are.

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