More Swedes write wills

More Swedes write wills

Last year, it was a record number of Danes who had written wills, something that Denmark’s radio Be the first to report. In total, it was about 86,000 Danes who had registered their will in 2024.

News24 Have talked to Arne Larssona lawyer at the family’s lawyer, who feels that it has also become more common among the Swedes to write wills.

– My view is that the number who writes wills is increasing. It was especially noticeable during the pandemic that more people wanted to write the wills.

Read more: Here, a record number has written Testament 2024

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The number of wills difficult to measure in Sweden: “there are suggestions”

In Denmark you have a register where all the wills are submitted and stored. The corresponding authority does not exist in Sweden, which means that it is not certain to say how many more Swedes write their wills.

– There are suggestions for you to introduce some kind of register for wills in Sweden, but as it looks today, there is no way to measure all the wills that are written, says Larsson, and adds::

– It’s not that it is constantly increasing, but if you look at about ten or fifteen years, more people today write wills.

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“It’s a little more complicated today”

At the family’s lawyer where Larsson works, during the past year, more people have seen that more people use their online service to write their will.

He believes that the underlying causes are many.

– It is difficult to say why more people choose to write wills. One reason, I think, it is more common with children from previous families, bonus children and more complex family structures than before when it was more common only with three parties: mom, dad, children. It’s a little more complicated today, says Larsson and ends:

– There is a greater need to write wills today. The need increases in connection with spouses who do not have common children, that you are cohabitants instead of married.

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