More and more students are skipping the shower after the sports lessons – and according to studies, about half of all young people are now.
Researchers believe that both lack of time and the lack of privacy in the changing rooms means that many people choose to dress directly.
– The most important thing is that the students stay physically active, says sports teacher Jenny Nobelius.
Research from, among other things, Gymnastics and Sports College (GIH) indicates that an uncomfortable environment in the dressing room can make more people want to avoid the sport completely. In addition, the entry of mobile phones plays a role. Cameras and social media have increased the concern to be photographed or filmed in the shower, which has affected the shower habits, according to the Swedish Sports Teacher Association.
– I think it is about wanting to feel safe and comfortable in their own body, especially during the teens, says Alice Bergsten, student at Gothenburg’s higher joint school.
Another student, Agnes Haglund, believes that the time pressure between the lessons comes into play:
– When it is stressful between the lessons, fewer people choose to shower.
So will more shower
The reasons for waiving the shower are thus several and according to the School Act no one must be forced to it. The teaching staff also discusses how to encourage more people to shower. Some suggest shielded booths or longer time between the lessons, while others believe that a “shower culture” should be created already in leisure activities.
– You can’t force anyone, but it can be uncomfortable for both students and teachers when the classrooms are filled with sweat smell, says Ivar Hanson, student at Gothenburg’s higher joint school.
At the same time, several educators emphasize that one should fight for hygiene, as it can eventually benefit the well -being and reduce the risk that students refrain from participating in sports.