Sarnia is spending about $4 million on road resurfacing this year, similar to 2023the city’s construction manager says.
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That includes a collection of 20 street segments — up for award Monday to Di Cocco Contractors 2015 Inc. for $1.35 million — across the city, said Rob Williams.
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“When we’re trying to pick them, we’re trying to pick streets first of all that we don’t have any plans to reconstruct in the next 10 years,” he said.
The projects range from standard shave-and-paves — where crews shave off and replace about two inches of asphalt — to complete road rebuilds, depending on road condition, the type of gravel underneath, and the type of soil in the area, he said .
Free-draining sandy soil conditions in the city’s north usually mean better performing roads, he said.
whereas roads built on clay, and where a different type of gravel was historically used, in older areas of the city, don’t always perform as well, he said.
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“Every road is different,” he said.
“They’re not all straight shave-and-pave.”
Roads that are too far gone generally need full replacement so deep-penetrating cracks don’t show through, he said.
A $1-million Telfer Road resurfacing contract — between Michigan Line and Blackwell Road, and between Jackson Road to the curve just north of Highway 402 — also comes to council for consideration Monday.
The city spent about $700,000 on Telfer last year, between Michigan Line and Jackson Road.
This year’s contract is the final phase of Telfer Road work planned north of Highway 402, Williams said.
Sev-Con was awarded an $840,000 for Canatara Park road resurfacing in March.
And a fourth resurfacing contract is still pending, Williams said.
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“We have another one out for tender right now, which is some paving in Bright’s Grove, on Hamilton Road … and Wildwood” Drive, he said, noting that was planned years ago, but had to be rescheduled.
More roadwork is also planned as part of recently awarded water main, sewer separation and Plank Road reconstruction work.
Some of the road resurfacing projects planned in Sarnia:
• Aberdeen Avenue, between Lorne Crescent and Hickory Avenue
• All of Beverly Road
• Brenchley Street, between Elizabeth Avenue and Murphy Road
• Cameron Street, between College Avenue and Mitton Street
• Cromwell Street, between Christina and Front streets
• Elrick Crescent, between McGee and Mill streets
• Hardick Drive, between Lakeshore Road and Donalda Street
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• Hickory Avenue, between Aberdeen Avenue and Indian Road
• All of Highbury Park
• All of Joel Park
• John Street in Bright’s Grove, between Kathleen Avenue and Waterworks Road
• Kathleen Avenue, between MacKenzie and Russell streets
• Linden Way, between Giffel Road and Lombardy Drive
• MacKenzie Street, between London Road and Maria Street
• Maria Street, between Mitton and MacKenzie streets
• Mills Street, between McGee Street and Lakeshore Road
• all of Netherlands Place
• Sycamore Drive, between Oak Avenue and Evergreen Drive
• All of Windemere Crescent
• Woodland Avenue, between Guthrie Drive West and Rosedale Avenue
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