The government wants more roads to be able to maintain or even increase the speed limit.
Now they are pushing for money for more center railings and 2 + 1 roads.
Minister of Infrastructure Tomas Eneroth (S) believes that too little money has been invested in the Swedish road network for several years.
– We see what the roads look like, I drive a lot and like to do it and see a continued need to invest in the roads, he says at a press conference.
The Riksdag has decided on a national plan for infrastructure and it includes 197 billion for road maintenance, both state and private roads. It applies to 2022–2033.
“Can tease us”
– When we invest in infrastructure, a larger proportion of this must go to investments throughout the country, not least in rural areas, says Eneroth.
The government wants SEK 15 billion from the pot to be used for the subsidy for the operation of individual roads.
– We know that the potholes can irritate us and many others, says Minister of Rural Affairs Anna-Caren Sätherberg (S).
The government also gives the Swedish Transport Administration SEK 1.25 billion to allocate until 2027 to co-finance traffic safety measures at county level. It may be that instead of a speed reduction from 90 to 80 kilometers per hour, you set up a center railing.
Custom signs
– You might make a 2 + 1 road and in that way get an increase to 100 kilometers per hour. Here we give clear guidelines for how to work in the future, says Eneroth.
The Swedish Transport Administration is commissioned to develop the work with speed adjustments. Speed signs could be adapted to weather and wind.
– With new technology, you must find better ways to increase road safety without reducing speeds, says the Minister of Infrastructure and at the same time emphasizes that you should not compromise on road safety.
The assignment must be reported no later than 31 March 2023.