More people are expected to leave Sweden

More and more people with deportation orders are now expected to leave Sweden according to a new forecast from the Swedish Migration Agency.

The assessment is that around 7,800 people whose application for a residence permit has been rejected will return on their own during 2024 – 900 more than previously forecast. At the same time, the forecast for the coming year is increased by 300 people to around 6,900.

“We have been tasked by the government to increase returns and are now working intensively on this, including by developing the operations at our return centers and expanding the capacity in the detention center,” says Migration Agency Director General Maria Mindhammar in a press release.

The Swedish Migration Agency, on the other hand, does not report any figures on the number of people who are not expected to leave the country voluntarily. This is about people who, for example, “go underground” or where it is judged that force is required to get them to leave the country. These cases are handed over to the police for enforcement.

At the same time, the Migration Agency’s forecast is fixed on how many people will apply for asylum in Sweden, that is, approximately 10,000 people will apply for asylum in 2024 and 9,500 people in 2025.
