More Measles; More exhibition sites in Grand Erie, Southwestern Public Health Regions

More Measles More Exposure sites in Grand Erie Southwestern Public

With 24 Confirmed Cases of Measles in the Grand Erie Public Health Agency’s Area and Another Eight Cases in Nearby Southwestern Public Health, there are dozens of exhibition sites.

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Medical Officer of Health Dr. Ninh Tran Said His Southwestern Agency Has Ordered More Vaccines for Measles and is Currently Finishing A Review of the Immunization Records for All School-Aged Children in the Region.

“As a result, Many Families have been recently notified by public health of the need to update their vaccinations, included measles-containing vaccine,” Tran Said.

Some families Simply Need to Report Their Immunizations.

According to data for 2024, and include January 2025, Southwestern Had 29 Cases of Measles and Grand Erie Health, which now included Brantford, Brant, Haldimand and Norfolk, Had 17 boxes.

That represents almost 57 per hundred of all of ontario’s 81 boxes last year.

And in Ontario, that was a substantial rise in measles in 2024 sincere, for 10 years, between 2013 and 2023 there were just 101 confirmed boxes in the province.

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Once Considered Eliminated in Canada, Cases of Measles Rose Sharly in Ontario During 2024.

Southwestern Public Health Has Created An Online Risk Assessment Tool To Help Residents of St. Thomas and Oxford and Elgin Couties Determine Appropriat Actions to Take If they have been exhibition to the Measles Virus.

This Measles Exposure Risk Assessment Tool, at the User a Series of Questions, Including Whhether they work in a health-care setting, Were Born Before or After 1970 and their Measles Vaccination History, as well as providing recommendations for Next Steps.

The Health Unit’s Website also Lists Dates, Times and Locations where Exposure to Measles May Have Been Possible, Including Various Times at the Woodstock Hospital, the Alexandra Hospital in Ingersoll, The Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital and the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital.

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A Full List of Those Exposure Times can be found at

Grand Erie Public Health has also published a list of 30 potential exhibitions and times, included several hospital and health clinic sites, schools and church-related events.

That list can be found at Under Potential Public Exhibition Rentals and Information.

Anyone Born in 1970 or later who may have visit one of the exhibition sites-Even briefly-and is not up to date with their measles vaccination is urged to call public health at 1-800-922-0096 ext. 1232 or to call their doctor.

Anyone who Believes they have symptoms of Measles – A fever, cough, Runny nose and red Eyes, followed after to seven days by red spots or blotchy patches on the face – Should not go to a healthcare setting without calling ahead in order The Risk of Exposing More People to the Virus.

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Both geph and swh beas have a better-adjusting vaccination rate for school-aged children than province, according to public health wealth.

The Data for the 2023-2024 School Year Shows Brantford and Brant County’s Measles Vaccination Rate for Kids at 92.1 per cent, Haldimand-Norfolk’s at 88 and Southwestern’s at 87.8.

All of Those Are Higher Than The Ontario Average Of 70.4, Which is Far from the 90-95 per hundred considering needed by epidemiologists to keep the ‘Elimination’ of Measles.

Some Ontario Areas are substantially lower Than the Average, included Halton at 24.6, Peal at 35.7 and Hamilton at 47.9.

Public Health Units Have Said That Some Low Rates of Vaccination May Be Connected To The Pandemic when People EITHER MISSED GETTING REGULAR VACCINES OR DIDN’T GET TO Report Their Vaccines Promptly.

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Grand Erie Reminds People the Fastest and Most Convent Way to Submit and Review Immunization Records is through its online reporting Tools at Brant County Health Unit | Immunization Connect | Home ( Or Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit | Immunization Connect | Home (!/Welcome).

At Southwestern, that connection is

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