More hostages can be released – hope for a longer break

On the streets of southern Israel, the ambulances were greeted with cheers and celebrations – in the cars are the 10 Israeli citizens who were released late last night by Hamas in agreement with the agreement.

There have also been celebrations in the Palestinian West Bank, where the 30 people who were held in Israeli custody could now be reunited with their families: One of them is 22-year-old Ruba Asi.

– I have an indescribable feeling. Freedom is the most beautiful feeling in the world. Therefore, he who is captured and deprived of his freedom, waits for the day when he will regain it.

Last day of combat pause

Today is the last day of a negotiated pause in the fighting. However, Egyptian media state that talks in this regard are now being held for a further extension of the break, which would mean more people released. According to The Guardian, the goal right now is to extend the break by two more days.

The talks, which are being held in Qatar, were also attended by CIA director William Burns and Israeli intelligence agency Mossad chief David Barnea on Tuesday.

– Our focus now, and our hope, is to reach a ceasefire that can hold and provide the conditions for further negotiations and lead to an end to the war, said a spokesman for Qatar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Majed al-Ansari, at a press conference in Doha.

So far, only women and minors have been released within the framework of the agreement. The question many are now asking is whether Hamas is willing to start releasing even men or even military personnel for further respite.
