More head injuries with electric scooters than with regular bikes

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Researchers at the University Hospital in Oslo have taken a closer look at who sought care at their orthopedic emergency department after accidents with bicycles and electric scooters, writes Dagens Nyheter (DN). It concerned accidents that occurred between January 2019 and December 2020.

Just over two percent of the e-kick cyclists in the study wore helmets and most sought care for head and neck injuries as well as injuries to hips and legs. Among the cyclists, around 60 percent used a bicycle helmet. In that group, injuries to the arms, shoulders and chest were most common.

Ragnar Ang is a care unit senior physician at the trauma unit at Sahlgrenska University Hospital. He says that the results of the Norwegian study agree with the experiences of electric scooter accidents that exist in Sweden.

– We see a lot of jaw fractures and severe facial injuries, injuries that we don’t really see among other cyclists, he tells DN.
