“More harm than good”: a dermatologist warns against this way of washing your hair

More harm than good a dermatologist warns against this way

This washing method could be “very irritating”.

Shampooing practices vary from person to person. Many people like to “double shampoo”, in other words wash their hair twice in a row during a single shower. This method of hair washing would have the advantage of deeply cleansing the scalp and eliminating excess sebum and other debris accumulated in the hair (dead cells, sweat, product residue, etc.). However, this “double shampoo” could do more harm than good and would be counterproductive, or even harmful in certain people…

Considered “drying” and “irritating”, this method is not recommended for everyone, and especially not for people who have a sensitive scalp or who wash their hair daily or every other day, as it removes too much sebum, but the latter acts as a “shield” for the hair and scalp, thus protecting them from external aggressions such as wind, dust or pollution. A lack of sebum “can make hair more susceptible to breakage and it runs the risk of stripping or drying out your scalp and hair“, told the magazine Health Brendan Camp, board-certified dermatologist at MDCS Dermatology. Results: there is a greater risk of having dandruff or flaking, as well as brittle hair. Additionally, we tend to use hot water when washing our hair, which also weakens it.

In a pinch, this washing method can be used from time to time for people with curly, coarse or frizzy hair, those with oily scalps or for those who do not wash their hair often (once a week or less for example). The same goes for those who swim or suffer from scalp psoriasis because double washing will eliminate medicated shampoo residues or dissolve residues of swimming pool chemicals such as chlorine.

In any case, in addition to finding a shampoo routine that suits you, experts recommend gentle brushing and natural drying, avoiding the use of heat as much as possible (hair dryer, curling iron, straighteners and other heating tools). Finally, consider massaging your scalp in the shower to evenly distribute the shampoo across the scalp to gently exfoliate the skin.
