More beautiful life of June 8, 2022: Dangerous Tim? Spoilers

More beautiful life of June 8 2022 Dangerous Tim Spoilers

MORE BEAUTIFUL LIFE SPOILERS. In episode 4553 of Plus belle la vie of Wednesday June 8, 2022, Abdel discovers a new, very disturbing side to Tim. Summary in advance and spoilers.

[Mis à jour le 7 juin 2022 à 20h30] In episode 4553 of Plus belle la vie on Wednesday, June 8, Abdel receives a call from the police station: Barbara is in custody for violation of private property. After the lawyer comes to get her, she swears to Abdel that she was outside when the security guard tasered her but her friend finds it abnormal that Tim didn’t take enough precautions with her. A little later, Tim apologizes to Barbara. In his office, Abdel hands over the 50,000 euros that BTC gives to the journalist so that he stops investigating the company. Tim has until Friday to decide what to do with the money. For his part, Abdel meets a journalist who knows Tim. She reveals to him that he simply let die a man he filmed only to make a buzz. Abdel shows the video to Barbara. Very shocked, she is looking for an explanation.

Elsewhere in Marseille, in the episode of Plus belle la vie on Wednesday June 8, Jean-Paul goes to work when he had to keep Aurore. Léa, who has to go to a town council, exceptionally entrusts her daughter to Betty. For his part, Kilian returns home. Thomas and Gabriel have an appointment with Ravel’s headmaster but Kilian isn’t sure he wants to come. A little later, Betty tells Léa how good she is with her. As she approaches Léa, she distracts her. Nisma and Kilian have lunch: he admits to his friend that he doesn’t want to go to Ravel and would prefer to work at the Mistral full-time. Leo agrees.

Finally, in the episode of PBLV on Wednesday June 8, Noé, Sunalee and Jules talk about the end-of-year ball that they absolutely want to organize despite Rochat’s refusal. They rely on Lola not to let go. The teenager has precisely planned a wild demonstration in front of the office of the principal who does not yield. In a corridor, Sunalee tries to convince Dimitri to participate in the demonstration: the students have decided to dance the samba in front of Rochat’s office. As a result, the head of the establishment distributes the hours of glue. Noé explains to his furious mother that between anxiety attack and school phobia, the students have been doing badly since the start of the covid and a party would do them good.

program sheet

Plus belle la vie is a French series broadcast from Monday to Friday on France 3 since 2004. Each new episode can be discovered from 8:20 p.m. This is the French soap opera with the longest life, opposite Tomorrow belongs to us, Un si grand soleil or Here everything begins. In this series, viewers follow the daily life of the inhabitants of Marseille, who find themselves in the fictional Mistral district. Personal and societal intrigues intertwine with regularly changing detective stories.

Plus belle la vie fans often want to know what happens at the end of each episode. It’s hard not to succumb to the temptation to find out more. Fortunately, it is possible to see the episodes in advance, ie before they are broadcast on France 3, and therefore to find spoilers. Several options are available to you: first, go to France TV website, which broadcasts each morning the episode broadcast the same evening on France 3. The Salto streaming platform then offers the evening episode but also that of the next day in advance, for a subscription of at least €6.99/month. Finally, the MyCanal site offers to rent the episodes for €0.99, or to buy them for €1.49.

The producers of Plus belle la vie regularly publish “indiscretions”, ie short spoiler videos of the next episodes. An effective way to make France 3 viewers want to discover the rest of their favorite soap opera a few days in advance and to tease the developments in the current plot. These videos are uploaded daily to the official page of Plus belle la vie, indiscretion section, on What feed the theories of viewers.

To follow the broadcast of Plus belle la vie live, it’s very simple: just go from Monday to Friday at 8:20 p.m. on France 3. Note also that the site offers to watch on smartphone, tablet or computer the series live at the same time. If you missed an episode of Plus belle la vie, it is possible to find it in replay and streaming. Just log on to the official site of Plus belle la vie or that of France Television. Note however that the episodes are available for 6 days on the site after their broadcast. Finally, the streaming platform somersault also offers to find the episodes of the series in its subscription.

The news had the effect of an earthquake this Thursday, February 17. Le Figaro taught us that Plus belle la vie, France 3’s flagship soap opera, was going to end at the end of its current season. The daily evokes the erosion of audiences since 2018 to justify such an initiative. On May 5, 2022, France Television confirms to the Plus belle la vie teams that the series will end in November 2022, the date of November 18 is mentioned. However, according to Le Parisien, the production company Newen retains the rights to the series: nothing in theory prevents the resumption of the program on another channel. However, nothing has been announced about it yet.

Since 2004, the list of actors and actresses in the cast of Plus belle la vie has changed a lot. Some continue to travel the Mistral, when new ones have appeared. Below, we offer you a non-exhaustive list of the main actors and actresses still on screen in Plus belle la vie:

  • David Ban: Valentin Carrier
  • Kjel Bennett as Bilal
  • Marwan Berreni: Abdel Fedala
  • Jerome BertinPatrick Nebout
  • Theo Bertrand: Kevin Belesta
  • Laurie Bordesoules as Emilie
  • Caroline Bourg as Elsa
  • Pauline Bression as Emma Rimez
  • Jean-Charles Chagachbanian: Franck Ruiz
  • Sam Chemoul as Tom Belesta
  • Elisabeth Commelin: Yolande
  • Michel Cordes: Roland Marci
  • Marine Danaux: Sophie Corcel
  • Anne Decis: Luna Torres
  • Serge DupireVincent Chaumette
  • Simon Ehrlacher: Romain Vidal
  • Alexandre Fabre as Charles Fremont
  • Sylvie FleppMirta Torres
  • Lea Francois: Barbara Evenot
  • Emanuele Giorgi as Francesco Ibaldi
  • Annie Gregorio as Claire
  • Rachid Hafassa as Karim Fedala
  • Rebecca Hampton as Celine Fremont
  • Marie Hennerez as Lea Nebout
  • Stephane Henon: Jean-Paul Boher
  • Cecilia Hornus as Blanche Marci
  • Boubacar Kabo: Mouss Bonghor
  • Laurent Kerusoré as Thomas Marci
  • Léa Kerel: Therese Marci
  • Joakim LatskoGabriel Riva
  • Prudence Leroy: Fanny
  • Florian Lesieur as Noé Ruiz
  • Marie Mallia as Lola Corcel
  • Avy Marciano: Sacha Malkavian
  • Lola Marois: Ariane Hersant
  • Pierre Martot: Leo Castelli
  • Regis MaynardEric Norman
  • Lara Menini: Eugenie Grange
  • Stephanie Pareja: Jeanne Carmine
  • Flavie Péan: Victory Lissajoux
  • Ella Philippe as Nisma
  • Gregory Questel: Xavier Revel
  • Thierry Ragueneau: Francois Marci
  • Marie Reache as Babeth Nebout
  • Tim RousseauKylian Corcel
  • Caroline Riou: Laetitia Belesta
  • Eleonora Sarrazin as Sabrina
  • Charles Schneider: Claude Rochat
  • Bryan Tresor: Baptiste Marci
  • Thibaud VaneckNathan Leserman
  • Elodie Varlet as Estelle Cantorel

The plot of Plus belle la vie is difficult to summarize, as the series has changed since its creation in 2004. Every evening, it is possible to follow the daily life of the inhabitants of a fictional district of Marseille, the Mistral. Several intrigues are intertwined: a policewoman, who can stage different investigations, such as the hunt for a serial killer, assaults, the fight against the mafia or terrorism, more personal intrigues (romantic, family… ) and societal. Plus belle la vie has the particularity of being completely rooted in current events and does not fail to refer to real events, such as the death of a personality, attacks or elections.
