More and more women in criminal gangs

More and more women in criminal gangs
full screen More and more women are members of criminal gangs. Archive image. Photo: Marko Drobnjakovic/AP/TT

The number of women involved in the criminal networks in Sweden is increasing.

According to a current situation picture from the police, almost 500 women are estimated to be part of criminal groups, reports Sweden’s radio Ekot.

Of these, 120 women have leading roles in the gangs.

The total figure is an increase of 100 women compared to last year and 200 from the year 2021.

– In the violent crimes we have seen there, we have also seen that women have been involved both as perpetrators and in other parts of the criminal scheme, says Erik Åkerlund, commanding officer for the special operation Frigg which the police started due to the wave of violence in Sweden to Ekot.
