Punctuality among trains in Sweden is the lowest in almost 10 years. This is reported by Sydsvenskan, which has received figures from, among others, the Swedish Transport Administration. 87.5 percent of the trains arrived on time between January and October, and when it comes to the long-distance trains, just over seven out of ten arrived on time, compared to 8 out of 10 last year. According to the Swedish Transport Administration, one of the reasons is that traffic volume has grown again after the decline when there were Covid regulations. – You lose a minute at a station because many passengers are getting on and another minute at the next station where many are getting off. And if you have been delayed for a few minutes, you may have to wait for another train to fit into the second puzzle at each station, says Göran Holmberg, operations coordinator at the Trafikverket in Malmö, to Sydsvenskan. See more in the player above
More and more train delays – lowest punctuality in almost ten years