More and more people do not recognize themselves in the neuropsychiatric diagnosis they received as children and therefore turn to healthcare to have it re-examined. In Skåne, the country’s first public reception for re-examination of ADHD and autism diagnoses is now starting. Linnéa Bäcklund, 32 years old from Hudiksvall, has been trying to get rid of her ADHD diagnosis for two years. – Always when I seek care, it says “woman with ADHD”. That’s my title and it’s not fun to get that title. That everything should depend on an ADHD diagnosis, says Linnéa Bäcklund. More and more people are seeking care to have their diagnosis re-examined. At least one person a week contacts psychiatry in Skåne to get rid of their ADHD or autism diagnosis. It is mainly for two reasons that you want help. – One group is people who simply don’t recognize themselves anymore. They don’t think they have a disability. Another group, wants to choose professions that are difficult with these diagnoses. It can be the police and work within the defense agency, says Sophia Eberhard, researcher and chief medical officer BUP Skåne. The country’s first public clinic At the end of the month, the new clinic will open, which will review diagnoses. The reception is linked to a one-year research project and is financed by research funds. Around fifty people will have the opportunity to reconsider their diagnosis during this time. – We want to understand this group better. Like all research, it is then about being able to transfer it into regular operations, says Sophia Eberhard, researcher and chief medical officer BUP Skåne. Great interest but not for everyone Several people have already contacted us. The people who will be able to be re-examined must not take medicine for their diagnosis or be in need of psychiatric care. The reception will only accept people living in Skåne. Linnea Bäcklund, who does not live in Skåne and turned to care in the Gävleborg region, is disappointed that it takes so long for re-examination. – They say that they do not prioritize us who want to have their diagnosis re-examined, that there are more people who need care. I understand that, but it should be possible. There are more people than me who want to get rid of the diagnosis, says Linnéa Bäcklund. In the player above: Linnéa Bäcklund tells how she has been trying to get rid of her ADHD diagnosis for two years.
More and more people want to get rid of their ADHD diagnosis