More and more people are curious about open relationships

SVT Nyheter has spoken to several experts who say that more people are curious about or want to live in open relationships today.

One of them is the sexologist Kalle Norwald, who has many years of experience meeting couples in his professional role. He says more couples today are raising the issue of open relationships.

The youth barometer

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  • – The increased openness is expressed in wanting to discuss and shape their relationship in the best way for both parties, says Kalle Norwald.

    Living in an open relationship means that two people are okay with flirting or being with others, while they are primarily part of a twosomeness. Another type of pluralism is polyamory, which can also look different.

    Also RFSU’s magazine Ottar have reports on that more and more people today are curious about this way of living.

    4 out of 10 okay with open relationships

    And when the youth barometer was to examine young people’s view of open relationships in the fall of 2022, they chose to include a question about open relationships because they noticed a shift in attitudes around this. To the statement “It’s ok to have open/polyamorous relationships”, 4 out of 10 respondents between the ages of 15-24 answered that they partially or completely agree.

    – There is a relatively large group that is open to the idea. But there are limited statistics about how many actually live in open relationships in Sweden, says Jacob Borssén, expert at the Youth Barometer.

    At the same time, he believes that the step in between is short.

    – From an international perspective, those who are okay with an open relationship usually take the step and actually live in one at some point.

    What do people in town think of this? See the answers in the clip above.
