More and more of Northvolt’s bills to the Bailiff

The largest unpaid invoices in SVT’s review concern fire protection. A company that sells sprinklers and fire protection systems has sent two invoices to the Norwegian Enforcement Agency: one in July and the other in September.

In total, it is about SEK 52 million that the fire protection company has turned to the Kronofogden for help with.

Financial crisis for Northvolt

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  • The company’s CEO announces in a text message that “we have decided internally not to comment on our business relationship with Northvolt”.

    Another company in fire protection, which sells training, has turned to the Kronofogden with an invoice of SEK 81,000.

    The answer from Northvolt: “We don’t want delays”

    Northvolt is in an acute financial situation. Earlier this week, the company announced, among other things, that parts of the Skellefteå factory will be closed. Manufacturing and sales have not increased as planned, the company needs new equity capital and is reported to have major problems getting it in from investors.

    But Northvolt tells SVT that the company has no problems paying its bills.

    Northvolt responds in writing to the questions about how the 121 million ended up with the Norwegian Crown Prosecutor’s Office:

    – Of course, we do not wish for delays, but we work hard to review and ensure that all invoices are correct. In extremely large projects like this, it is extremely important that we have full control over our invoices and we would rather review them once too much than once too little, which unfortunately can lead to it then going over time, says communications manager Matti Kataja.

    Cases for 60 million still pending

    Many of the cases with the Crown Bailiff have finally been written off. But 46 cases totaling 60 million, including the fire protection invoices, are ongoing.

    Among the suppliers who turned to the Kronofogden, there is a wide range of financial companies, for example those dealing with leasing solutions for equipment and cars, electronic component suppliers, electricity and telecommunications companies and the municipality of Skellefteå.

    The municipality states that previous payment orders have dealt with errors in their own systems. Now they have a new claim of 1.3 million on Northvolt, but have not been able to answer SVT’s questions about that matter.
