More and more are being deported after switching from asylum to work

TV4 News has previously been able to tell about Mohammed Rabah and Lorin Ghanem, who recently learned that Mohammed, together with the couple’s two children, will be deported to Lebanon.

– I feel really bad, especially when I look at my children, says Mohammed.

Both he and Lorin have both been denied asylum, but got a job at a cleaning company during the application period, which is why Lorin got a temporary work permit in Sweden three years ago. But when Mohammed applied for the same, he was rejected.

More and more are being deported after changing tracks

But Lorin and Mohammed are not alone. Recently, more and more people who previously had an asylum application rejected and instead applied for a work permit through a so-called change of track have been deported.

Something that, according to the Migration Agency, is due to the fact that the agency’s assessments, due to a prejudicial decision in the Migration Court, have become more restrictive regarding the change of track for people who have previously received a deportation order.

And this development is critical of the business organization Företagen.

– For those who have the opportunity to come to work, we must really ensure that they get the opportunity to make this change of track. It’s a winning concept, says Pernilla Norlin, head of social policy at Företagarna.

The government wants to abolish the track change

But the government rather wants to go in the other direction, and remove track changes altogether.

– I am actually convinced that this must be abolished. If you are an asylum seeker, then you must come here and seek protection. But if you actually intend to come here to work, then you must apply for a work permit that is ready when you arrive in Sweden. Protection is one thing and work is another, says Migration Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard (M).

The proposal has, among other things, been put forward in an investigation that was presented earlier this year. But Företagarna, which is one of the reference bodies for the investigation, believes that this will affect Swedish companies’ ability to find labour.

– That more people can come to work is, of course, something we demand, and the supply of skills is one of the biggest problems that the Entrepreneurs see. They now want to pull the rug out from under this, and of course we see that it is very unfortunate, says Pernilla Norlin.
