Moped chaos in Stockholm – Latest news – fast news from Aftonbladet

Moped chaos in Stockholm Latest news fast news


  • Photo: Reader picture

    Hundreds of moped riders drove through central Stockholm today.

    Several of the moped-borne people are suspected of carelessness in traffic, among other things, two people who collided with each other were arrested.

    This is what the police write on their website.

    All of the moped riders who are suspected of crimes are young people and the police have contacted their guardians.

    The police write on their website that it is important to show consideration and to take responsibility in traffic.

    “It is also important that guardians have a dialogue with their young people about driving a moped responsibly,” it writes.


  • The injured boys at Lidingö are doing better

    Two boys are still being treated in hospital after the lightning strike on Lidingö last Friday evening.

    “The condition of both patients has improved significantly. None of the patients are life-threateningly injured,” writes Lars Falk, senior physician and operations manager for pediatric intensive care at Karolinska University Hospital, in an email.

  • Car burns on E6 – very big impact

    A passenger car has started to burn on the E6 outside Falkenberg in the direction of Gothenburg, writes the Swedish Transport Agency.

    There is a very large traffic impact as a result of the accident. The emergency services are on site.

    Traffic is completely stopped in the northbound direction, according to the emergency services.

    There are no reports of personal injuries. Extinguishing work is underway at the site.

    – Everyone got out of the car before it caught fire, says Peter Karlborg, officer on duty at the Halland Rescue Service.

    The Swedish Transport Agency’s forecast is that the work on site will be 14.10.

  • Man dead in Sundsvall – four arrested

    A 75-year-old wheelchair-bound man who ended up in the water yesterday in Sundsvall has died in connection with the incident. The man’s relatives have been notified.

    Four people who were at the scene have been arrested. A preliminary investigation into murder has been launched.

    Read more here.

  • VMA issued after fire

    A VMA has been issued after a fire occurred at a recycling center in Vänersborg.

    Everyone in the area is asked to stay indoors.

    It was during the morning that a heavy fire occurred.

  • Woman found dead in Umeå

    A woman has been found dead in an apartment in Umeå, according to the police. A man has been arrested on suspicion of murder.

    It is unclear how the woman died. The man and the woman must know each other from before. The police begin a forensic investigation in the apartment.

    – The man has been arrested and will be questioned. But it is very early in the investigation and you are trying to form an idea of ​​what happened, says Elin Andersson at the police in the north.

    Whether the woman was subjected to violence is currently unclear.

    – That’s what’s unclear, you don’t know what she died of, says Elin Andersson.

    Relatives are informed of the death.

  • Shooting alert – one to hospital

    One person has been taken to hospital after a suspected shooting in Lagersberg in Eskilstuna, according to the police.

    The condition of the person’s injuries is currently unclear.

    “There is nothing to indicate that there is any danger to the public. Exactly what happened is not yet clear,” the police write on their website.

    A place indoors in an apartment building has been cordoned off and the police have several units on site. Technicians are called to the scene.

    The alarm came in at 11.30.

    Read more here.

  • Fully developed fire at recycling centre

    There is a fire at a recycling center between Vänersborg and Trollhättan.

    – It burns quite strongly. We are on site and cooperating with those who are responsible for the facility, says Tero Paakki, officer on duty at the rescue service.

    The rescue service expects to remain for a number of hours.

  • Helicopter missing in Russian Kamchatka

    A helicopter with 22 people on board has disappeared on the Kamchatka peninsula in eastern Russia, reports the Russian news agency Interfax.

    The helicopter took off near the Vachkazhets volcano in the Kamchatka region, but did not arrive at its destination as planned, Russia’s air transport agency said in a statement.

  • Man shot in Eskilstuna – has died

    The man who was shot in Eskilstuna yesterday has died, the police write.

    The man’s relatives have been notified.

    Read more here.

  • Man suspected of rape

    The police were alerted during the night to an area east of Stockholm due to a suspected rape.

    A 25-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of raping an underage girl, according to information.

    – We don’t want to go into so many more details, but he was arrested based on the information we had collected after the incident, says Helena Boström Thomas, press spokesperson for the police in the Stockholm region.

    A crime scene investigation has been carried out with, among other things, a dog to secure traces. The police have also spoken to witnesses and will obtain footage from surveillance cameras in the area.

    – You take inventory of the camera position and assume that there may be some type of camera that could be interesting. It is not always possible to capture the exact event, but there may be footage from just before or just after. These are important pieces of the puzzle in our investigations, says Helena Boström Thomas.

    The rape must have taken place outdoors, according to the police. The police continue to work during the day.

    – The plaintiff will be heard, says Helena Boström Thomas.

    The incident is classified as rape.

  • V politician spread Jew hatred – refuses to leave

    He agreed to leave his political posts after, among other things, describing Israeli soldiers as “Hitler’s heirs”. Now the leftist Ali Hadrous has repented.

    HD and Sydsvenskan recently revealed that V politician Ali Hadrous, who sits on the Landskrona municipal council and on the party’s board in the municipality, spreads anti-Semitism and glorifies terrorists.

    After the revelation, the Left Party called on him to leave his posts, which he initially stated he would do. He also lost his job as a teacher.

    Now Ali Hadrous tells the newspaper Flamman that he has regretted it and intends to remain in the municipal council, as wild if necessary.

    He further says that he himself does not consider that he has shared anti-Semitic posts and that he is critical of the leadership of the Left Party.

    – Nooshi Dadgostar has ruined the whole party. She directly addresses things and condemns them, and it is because of such an attitude that the Left Party is weak, he tells Flamman.

  • Car fire – major impact on E4

    A vehicle has caught fire on the E4 outside Jönköping, writes the Swedish Transport Administration.

    There is a major impact on traffic as a result of the accident.

    – We have had a fire in a passenger car. No one is injured and the rescue service is leaving immediately, says the management operator at RC Jönköping.

    The car must be towed from the scene and traffic can pass. How the fire started is unclear.

    According to the Swedish Transport Administration’s forecast, the work on the road will be finished by 9.30.

  • Fire in apartment building

    There is a fire in an apartment building in Limmared.

    Emergency services, police and ambulance have been called to the scene.

    – It is an apartment building where there is a fire. Several are written there. We are there with several patrols and assist the rescue service in their work on site, says Fredrik Svedemyr at the police in Väst.

    The police state that there are “a lot of people on the move” in the area. They write on their website that paramedics treat the injured outside the building. Two people are taken to hospital in an ambulance helicopter.

    The police do not know if there is anyone left in the affected apartment at the moment.

    The alarm came in at 8:30 a.m. and just before 9:00 a.m. the emergency services began evacuating the apartments above the fire.

  • Car overturned outside Överkalix – one to hospital

    A car has overturned at Svartbyn outside Överkalix, the police write.

    Two people were traveling in the car and the driver was taken to hospital by ambulance. He is also suspected of aggravated drunken driving.

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