Mooney, Gentile: “Reached 50% of women in top management in three months”

Mooney Gentile Reached 50 of women in top management in

(Finance) – Inside the Mooney’s top management there is an almost total gender equality: 1 in 2 members is female. She explained it Stefania GentileCEO of Mooney since last June, on the occasion of her speech, as juror of an important award, at the event “Women’s Time”.

“For the full and sustainable development of businesses, but also of Italian society in general, a adequate involvement of women in every aspect of the economic life of our country. I think this is the belief that must inspire, at all levels, concrete actions that can support women to be even more protagonists in the business world”, underlined Gentile.

“Despite the progress made in recent years – continued the manager – it is still there a lot to do to improve the condition of women in the company. Suffice it to say that, according to the latest Almalaurea data, the female component graduates faster and with overall better grades than those of the male component, but from the first job he receives one significantly lower salary by approximately 15%“.

“What the training system evaluates as substantially the same skills, the production system instead evaluates them as different, and attributes less value to them if the person who owns them is female. And this is not acceptable”, denounces Mooney’s CEO, recalling that “in Italy one in 3 women does not work. We have a rate of female employment among the lowest in the EU. And as reported by the latest data from Manageritalia, out of 5 managers only one is a woman“.

“Throughout my career and since the early days ofI arrive in Mooney as CEO, I had further confirmation of the importance of gender equity for the harmonious functioning of the company. I am committed to increase the presence of women in the management team not only as women, but above all as valuable managers. And today, I can proudly say, 4 months after my arrival, that we have one in the company’s top management 50% female component”said Gentile, concluding “inclusion and sustainability are strategic pillars of our way of doing business and I am confident that they will lead us to become a point of reference for gender policies in Italy”.
