With Destiny 2, data miners have now found evidence in the game’s data that developer Bungie had apparently planned a “Premium Subscriptions” model, such as that used in MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online. However, the plans were not implemented. Or maybe it is, albeit in a different form?
What was found in the data? It looks like Bungie had planned a subscription model for the Lightfall expansion and Season 20. The subscription model would then have come in February 2023. However, the plans were apparently not pursued further.
Data miners on a Discord server found 4 files that refer to “ad banners” for:
We do not know the prices for the models.
In addition, the note was found: The subscription model includes Lightfall, two new dungeons and raids, 1 month of premium content in Destiny 2 Year 6, a new exotic Sparrow, the catalyst for Quicksilver Storm and an ornament, as well as “Rahool’s Secret Stash”: 4 Exotic Accessories and a Premium Material Pack delivered during Year 6.
There are two other texts related to the subscription:
Destiny 2: Lightfall – Trailer Game Awards
What does that mean? It seems Bungie has planned an alternative way to monetize Destiny 2 here. However, the exact details are unclear. The game “The Elder Scrolls Online” could be a role model:
With Destiny 2, such a subscription model could serve as an alternative for players who want to gamble continuously. Or it’s a kind of compromise for “New Light” players, as suggested in the promotional text, who want to delve deeper into Destiny 2 but don’t want to grab a $50 expansion right away.
Destiny 2 will no longer take content away from you – even give you content for free
Does the €50 annual pass replace the subscription model?
This could also be a possibility: In Destiny 2, a kind of “subscription” is already being sold for Lightfall: The annual pass includes season passes for seasons 20, 21, 22 and 23, plus the exotic Sparrow and the “Quicksilver Storm” catalyst from which too the subscription said:
So it could well be that Destiny 2 has discarded the idea of the subscription model and opted again for the “Annual Pass” as a payment model for premium customers.
But that’s speculation, after all, Bungie never really presented this subscription model – we only know the hints from the data.
It is not known at the moment whether the model will still come to Destiny 2 or whether it has already been completely discarded.
There were a few issues surrounding the exclusive Quicksilver Storm Auto Rifle advertised to the Lightfall:
Destiny 2 disables $100 pre-order item – “I feel kind of cheated”