The release of Monster Hunter Wilds is near. With Arkveld, a new flagship monster will arrive alongside a bunch of other monsters. We took this as an opportunity to take another look at the previous giants and asked ourselves: Which of them was actually the coolest so far?
What are flagship monsters in Monster Hunter? Flagship monsters are a type of “boss monster,” i.e. particularly strong opponents that are the flagship of every Monster Hunter game. They shape the artwork and the story of the respective part.
These monsters represent the main theme of the game and represent a special challenge as a kind of “final boss” for players. The most famous flagship monster is Rathalos, which served as the main monster for the very first part of Monster Hunter.
The monsters reappear in other games in a weakened or modified form, which gives them a kind of cult status and many of them a lot of fans.
Who is writing here? MeinMMO editor Alexander Schürlein has a total of over 1,000 hours as a monster hunter under his belt. He has picked up a number of titles on various consoles over the years and prefers to go hunting with the double blades.
For my personal power ranking, I went back to memory to answer the question of which of them is actually the coolest and which one I would most like to see again in Monster Hunter Wilds.
Feel free to write in the comments whether you share my opinion in the end or whether your ranking would look completely different.
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10th place – Brachydios
First up is Brachydios at number 10 in my personal ranking. He is the flagship monster of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, although the Azure Rathalos appears on the game’s international cover while he graces the original Japanese cover.
Brachydios is a battle wyvern that stands out simply because of its cool design: its stubby front legs and its rounded, blunt horn are covered with green slime, which also gave it the status attack “Slime”. According to Hunter’s Notes, the green goo is made of a unique slime mold that becomes explosive from the wyvern’s saliva.
If he hits the ground with his head or his butts, puddles form there that change color before exploding after a few seconds. The slime can also stick to hunters and explode there after a certain amount of time unless the respective hunter does nothing to stop it. If Brachydios gets angry, it’s better not to get in his way, because then his slime will explode without any delay.
9th place – Tigrex
Tigrex is a flying wyvern that at first glance looks like a T-Rex with wings. However, when he spots his hunters, he rushes at them with brute force on all fours. He is the flagship monster of Monster Hunter Freedom 2 and is known for his deafening roar.
Although it has wings, it is rarely seen flying. It gets its name from its coloring, which decorates it with striking stripes. He impresses his hunters with his raw power and high speed, which he owes primarily to his powerful forelegs.
It has multiple lungs, which give it its distinctive roar. He uses this to intimidate his opponents in order to then bring them down when they are in a state of shock.
8th place – Zinogre
Zinogre is the flagship monster of Monster Hunter Portable 3rd and is a Fanged Wyvern. He is assigned to the element thunder and summons thunderbugs, whose electrical abilities he sucks out like a sponge. This charges his electrical power and his back and claws begin to glow.
The higher its electrical charge, the faster it moves and deals more damage. His charge has two levels each, which can also be interrupted if the hunters attack him hard enough. However, they don’t have much time for that.