Monster frog “Toadzilla” found in Australia

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

A new world record toad has been found in Australia. It is called “Toadzilla”, weighs 2.7 kilograms and is roughly 25 centimeters long, which is larger than any other toad.

The game wardens couldn’t believe their eyes when they encountered the giant creature in the rainforest.

– We were completely shocked, says park ranger Kylee Gray.

The former record holder, “Prince” was in Sweden at the beginning of the 90s and appeared several times on TV4 and was awarded the Guinness Book of Records.

“Toadzilla” had a less glamorous life. The record toad was euthanized which is the practice for pests in Australia.

– The problem with such a large animal is that it affects what food it can eat, says game warden Barry Nolan, in the clip above.

See pictures of the monster toad in the player above
