Monkey pox: opening of a vaccinodrome in Paris

Monkey pox opening of a vaccinodrome in Paris

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    The Minister of Health François Braun announced on BFMTV this Monday, July 26 the opening of a large vaccination center. Medical students will also be able to participate in this vaccination campaign.

    While more than 1,700 cases of monkeypox have been confirmed to date in France, the Minister of Health François Braun announced this Monday, July 25, the opening of a large vaccination center in Paris. “We have the doses, now we need the arms to vaccinate”he said on BFMTV before adding: “Tomorrow, in Paris, opens a center which will be able to very significantly increase the volume of vaccinations. To date, more than a hundred vaccination centers are in place.” The center is located in the 13th arrondissement of Paris.

    Faced with the growing increase in infections, the minister at the same time indicated that an order will be published on Tuesday authorizing all medical students to be vaccinated against monkeypox.

    A public health emergency of international concern

    If no death has been recorded in Europe, the disease is still gaining ground. To try to stem it as quickly as possible, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), triggered on Saturday July 23 a public health emergency of international concern. By specifying that the risk was relatively moderate except in Europe where it is high.

    This is the 7th time that the WHO has used this level of alert. This qualification is used in situations “serious, sudden, unusual or unexpected”. It is established when the propagation constitutes a “risk to public health in others” States and requiring “coordinated international action“.

    A favorable opinion on the reimbursement of the tests

    Also on Monday July 26, the High Authority for Health (HAS) issued a opinion in favor of the reimbursement by National Health Insurance of monkeypox virus detection tests after being seized by the Ministry of Health.

    However, the HAS recalls that the diagnosis of contamination by monkeypox “is above all clinical”. In particular, it presents characteristic symptoms on the skin. A test should only be performed “only in case of persistent doubt after clinical examination”. Screening is not “not necessary in the absence of symptoms”recalls the HAS.
