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Monkey pox last minute live Two outbreaks identified in

Antivirals May Reduce Monkeypox Symptoms

An study of several patients diagnosed with monkeypox in the United Kingdom suggests that some drugs antivirals may reduce the duration of symptoms and the amount of time a patient is contagious, the magazine reports on Tuesday. The Lancet Infectious Diseases.

Specifically, the analysis was performed before the current outbreak in Europe and the United States, between the years 2018 and 2021in seven patients with the disease, who managed to recover after being isolated in British hospitals, but experts have highlighted the challenges in understanding this disease.

The researchers looked at the patients’ responses to two different antivirals –brincidofovir and tecovirimat-, and found that the tecovirimat I might shorten the duration of symptoms and reduce the time of contagion of a patient, although experts warn that more research is needed.
