Monkey pox: all you need to know about vaccination in France

Monkey pox all you need to know about vaccination in

On July 8, 2022, the Haute Autorité de Santé modified its recommendations on the vaccination against the smallpox of the monkey. The initial strategy was to vaccinate people infected with the virus, within four days maximum, and their close contacts. Unfortunately, this did not sufficiently limit the spread of the monkeypox virus.

From now on, all people considered to be at risk of contracting the disease can receive a vaccine. To accommodate this public, several vaccination centers have been set up throughout France (the list of centers is available here), but especially in Ile-de-France, the region most affected by the disease. Let’s take stock of this new vaccine strategy.

People eligible for vaccination

The High Authority of Health identified several groups of people at risk of contracting monkeypox:

  • men who have sex with other men and multiple sex partners;
  • transgender people with multiple sexual partners;
  • sex workers;
  • professionals in places of sexual consumption.

Health professionals are not currently concerned by vaccination against monkeypox, but depending on the case (risk of exposure, health problems), it may still be considered.

Imvanex and Jynneos, the two vaccines available

The Imvanex and Jynneos vaccines have an identical composition, only their commercial number changes. These are composed of one active ingredient : at least 105 infective units of live modified Ankara vaccinia virus. These infective units are capable of effectively stimulating the immune response but are non-replicative, meaning they cannot replicate in human cells.

Moreover, the Ankara vaccinia virus does not cause disease in humans. Added to this are excipients: trometamol, chloride of sodium and water. While both of these formulations were originally designed against smallpox, studies indicate that they are 85% effective in preventing infection with monkeypox virus.

the protocol vaccination can vary according to the profiles:

  • one dose for people vaccinated against smallpox before 1980;
  • two doses spaced 28 days apart for the general population (or more if out of stock);
  • three doses for immunocompromised people.

The contraindications concern people with a allergy known to one of the constituents of vaccines. The expected side effects are the same as for any vaccine: pains at the injection site, fatigue, flu-like syndrome. And more rarely, Rashes (especially for people who already have atopic dermatitis) and a sinusitis.

Protection is not immediately effective after vaccination, it is therefore necessary to respect gestures of prevention simple hygiene practices to limit the risk of contamination.

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