Monique Olivier’s regrets and omissions regarding the murder of Estelle Mouzin

Monique Oliviers regrets and omissions regarding the murder of Estelle

It was one of the last chances to get an explanation from Monique Olivier. This Thursday, December 14, the ex-wife of rapist and serial killer Michel Fourniret was questioned by the Hauts-de-Seine criminal court. Particularly prosecuted for her complicity in the murder of Estelle Mouzin in January 2003, she is the only one who can reconstruct the last hours of the little girl. But after 10 hours of interrogation, many gray areas remain.

2 mins

Hearing report, Arthur Ponchelet

Monique Olivier recognizes it: she could have saved Estelle Mouzin, and she doesn’t know why she didn’t do anything. However, she was revolted “, ” angry » when she discovered this child so young, the youngest of the victims of her husband, Michel Fourniret. A little girl ” in tears, scared “, Who ” asked his mother » and which made him sad. That’s about all Monique Olivier remembers, who nevertheless looked after her for a whole afternoon, while her husband was at work.

When you see Estelle that day, do you know that she is going to die? » asked an assessor. “ Yes ”, she whispered. Michel Fourniret Did she rape her before killing her? He tried but did not succeed, Monique Olivier believes, who then accompanied him into the forest to get rid of the body.

One question remains, the essential question for Estelle Mouzin’s parents: where is their daughter buried? “ Please tell us », Launched Me Seban, their counsel, who projects a large photo of Estelle, this young girl with green eyes. The president, the assessors, the other civil party lawyers, everyone tries. But the accused gives the same answer over and over: “ If I knew, I would tell you. »

We believed, at one point, that a dynamic of exchange was taking place. And we can clearly see that the floor is cut off, the tone of the president’s questions becomes inquisitorial and inevitably leads to a blockage. And then we start: “I don’t know anymore, I don’t remember” and so on. Conclusion: we want to move quickly towards the end of the trial, while perhaps one day of breathing space is missing for Monique Olivier to perhaps say something », Regrets Estelle’s father.

Friday, December 15, will be the last chance for Monique Olivier to explain herself in a final interrogation. Then, the pleadings of the civil parties will come, then the submissions of the defense. The verdict is expected Tuesday, December 19.
