Monica Bellucci, her ultra-glamorous make-up lesson for a major magazine will amaze you

Monica Bellucci her ultra glamorous make up lesson for a major magazine

Monica Bellucci reveals day after day the photos of her shoot with Vogue on social networks. Zoom on one of the shots that ignites the canvas.

For its March 2023 issue, the Greek edition of Vogue magazine has chosen Monica Bellucci as cover girl. The Italian actress and model shared photos from the shoot on her Instagram account. One of them depicts her putting on makeup.

Monica Bellucci in make-up session for the cover of Greek Vogue

Monica Bellucci is once again using her mythical beauty to pose on the cover of Greek Vogue. In front of the lens of the German photographer Ellen Von Unwerth, she is simply magnificent. On the pictures, we discover the star a pink lipstick in the hand and a mirror in the other. Made up by Letizia Carnevale, she wears golden eyeshadow on her eyelids as well as black kohl. She also sports long wavy hair and wispy bangs that show off her oval face and hazel eyes. All styled by John Nollet, the hairdresser of the stars.

Monica Bellucci, an international beauty icon

Advantageous curves, brown hair, luscious mouth, natural elegance… Monica Bellucci represents the italian beauty par excellence. It is therefore no surprise that she began her career in modeling, before embarking on the cinema. At 58, she is still considered one of the most beautiful women in the world. During her numerous appearances, she knew how to highlight herself in following the beauty trends of the moment. And one thing is certain, it is that she has not finished impressing us. Just like his daughter Deva Cassel who takes over brilliantly.
