Mondo TV, MOIGE rewards MeteoHeroes

Mondo TV MOIGE rewards MeteoHeroes

(Finance) – The second season of MeteoHeroes by TV worldco-produced with MOPI and currently on air in more than 140 countries around the world, has been awarded by the MOIGE, Italian Parents Movement, as part of the 2021/2022 edition of “A year of zapping and streaming”.

Mondo TV said this by explaining that the important recognition was conferred in the light of fundamental and highly topical themes, such as respect for the environment, ecology, climate change are touched upon in the MeteoHeroes series with sympathy, lightness, rhythm and freshness combining the right message with the right form, both from the point of view of the animation and that of the contents.

The award also constitutes a recognition of the path taken by Mondo TV in the context of ESG objectivesfor the production of value contents in the name of edutainment.
