Monday Motivation: how to be motivated on Monday?

Monday Motivation how to be motivated on Monday

It’s Monday and you’re having trouble motivating yourself? Do you know the hashtag #MondayMotivation from Twitter and Instagram? Every Monday, Internet users share their motivation tips to start the week! Decryption and advice with Véronica Olivieri-Daniel, clinical psychologist.

[Mise à jour le 2 mai 2022 à 09h37] Every Monday, the hashtag #MondayMotivation is trending on Twitter and Instagram, but what is it? What advice to motivate yourself on Monday morning? Decryption with our psychologist.

What is #MondayMotivation hashtag?

Are you prone to the Sunday night blues? Every Monday morning, is it a real ordeal to go back to the office? There is a solution to become more positive at the start of the week and make you love returning to the office at the end of the weekend: the hashtag #mondaymotivation. The principle is simple : Internet users publish inspiring quotes in order to (find) a smile and (re)give it to their subscribers. For example, “turn towards the sun and the sun will be behind you”, or “if you can dream it, you can do it”. Others prefer to post photos of animals, nature or even food. Anyway, the idea remains the same: change your perception of things to start the week with joy and good humor.

What is the translation of Monday Motivation?

“Monday” means “Monday” in English and “Motivation” has the same meaning as “motivation” in French. Monday Motivation stands for “Monday Motivation”.

Where did the hashtag #MondayMotivation come from?

The hashtag #mondaymotivation has emerged on social networks. It is part of the movement of the Positive thought which aims to modify his perception of events forr visualize the positive in every situation and learn to put things into perspective. In other words, see the glass half full rather than half empty!

Do mantras and quotes really change your perception of things?

Veronica Olivieri-Daniel : From a strictly professional point of view, I think that mantras and other quotes to motivate yourself on Mondays do not work at all. It’s not the quotes themselves that have an impact, but the fact that the person is trying to convince themselves that it has an effect on them. We could compare this to theplacebo effect : it is not the pill that has effects, the effects come from the idea that the person has of them.

Why do we struggle to find motivation on Monday mornings?

Veronica Olivieri-Daniel : Monday always sends us back to the back to school. From early childhood, there is this break, most often over two days, which allows children to find their parents, their games and the idleness they do not have at school. The adults who grew up in this education have kept the imprint of this scenario which reproduces itself. Returning to work on Monday refers to the fact that leisure, pleasure (food, sleep, activities), privacy, rest, in short, everything related to freedom is concentrated on the weekend. the Monday then represents a moment of rupture and back to reality which can be difficult for some people to live with.

“It’s not the quotes themselves that have an impact, but the fact that the person is trying to convince themselves that it has an effect on them.”

Veronica Olivieri-Daniel : Certain elements are decisive for being motivated on Monday morning. First, do a job you love and in which we feel fulfilled. People who love their work and their professional context are certainly less reluctant and suffer from “monday blues” than the others. Just like those who suffer from their private life at the weekend, and for whom Monday morning seems like a return to a more favorable and pleasant context. For example, if we are in a Conflicting marital or family situation or if we suffer from solitudethe return to work represents an escape and a distraction. In other words, these people do not suffer from the “monday blues” but apprehend the weekend. To be motivated on Monday morning, it is essential to:

  • give meaning to his work,
  • remember why we do it, why we chose this path and not another.
  • set new goals at work: lack of motivation can come from the fact that you are bored at the office, that you no longer have goals to achieve.
  • congratulating yourself each time you manage to complete your tasks on time and with flying colors. Satisfaction drives us to action and motivation feeds on rewards.

Thanks to Véronica Olivieri-Daniel, clinical psychologist.
