Monday is the deadline to enter the Lambton County Science Fair

Monday is the deadline to enter the Lambton County Science

It’s Crunch Time for Students Entering the Lambton County Science Fair.

It’s Crunch Time for Students Entering the Lambton County Science Fair.

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Monday, at 5 pm, is the deadline to register for this year’s fair, set to run April 4 and 5 at Lambton College.

“Registration Opened in Early Februry,” Said Stephanie Lobsinger, Chairperson of a Committee that Organizaes The Annual Event in Sarnia. “We have lots of folks that sign up last minute, so i hopping this friday, saturday, Sunday there will be a good influx of entries.

Some Have Already Been “TrickLing in” from Elementary School Pupils and High School Students Around the County, Lobsterger Said.

“We had a nice showing last year,” with just over 60 projects, she said.

Participation is growing again after a decline during covid when the event was cancelled one year and then moved online in-person in-person fairs could be Held Again.

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The First In-Person Fair After the Pandemic Had About 25 Entries, Lobsterger Said.

“WE WEE IN A GREAT POSTE BEFORE COVID” With About 125 Entries Annually that Pushed the Limits of the Capacity in the Small Gym at the College where it had been Held, lobsinger Said.

This year, the fair will be in the college’s hand gym.

The Fair is a Great Way for Students to Showcase Different Skills, included Math, Reading, Writing and Presentation, Lobsterger Said.

Faye Colborne Explains Her Project Fidget Focus to Judge Dave Machacek, AlongSide Partner Kaleigh Edmunds, Both Pupils at Errol Village Elementary School, During the 2022 Lambton County Science Fair. (Terry Bridge/Sarnia Observer) Photo by Terry Bridge /The Observer

“It’s not just science,” She Said. “There’s Discovery and Innovation. I think it’s a Wonderful Learning Tool.”

Between 75 and 100 Local Volunteers, Including Engineers and Research Staff from Local Industry, Judge the Entries on Both Days of the Fair and Winners will be Annouded Saturday, 1 pm, at the College Event Center.

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The public is Welcome to wait for the fair April 4, 6 pm to 9 pm and April 5, 9 am to 11:30 am

“We give out prizes for the best in the different age groups,” as well as a number of prizes for Particular Topics, ”Lobsinger Said.

The fair is supported by sponsors, and a list can be found on its website, LAMBTONCOURVENTSCIRTEFAIR.CA.

The Local Science Fair Committee has been a registered charity for more than 50 years.

“It shows the love of science in this area is very strong,” Lobsinger Said.

Entry to the Competition is open to pupils beginning in grade 3.

“Oh Boy do we get a lot of fun little scientists,” and entries Ranging from simple to advanced, lobsterger said.

“I think they are all great,” She Said.

Up to five winners will be offered the chance to travel to this year’s canada-wide science fair being held in June in Fredericton, lobsterger said.

“It is fantastic,” She Said. “You are there with 500 of the other bright Kids Across Canada.”

Lambton Students do Well at the National Competition, Regularly Returning Home With Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards, and Have Earned Best Of Fair Prizes in the Past, She Said. “We put sarnia on the map.”

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