Monarch is ready for duty with autonomous electric tractor model

Monarch is ready for duty with autonomous electric tractor model

1670222704 709 Monarch is ready for duty with autonomous electric tractor model

Prepared by Monarch and produced in the USA autonomous electric tractor model finally to real use it is entering.

monarch The model named MK-V, which bears its signature and can fulfill everything expected from a tractor autonomously, started to go out of production in the USA with the first examples. The tractor, which was introduced before, can also be used normally if desired and brings 55 kW / 70 horsepower. From diesel tractors capable of delivering twice the torque The transferred vehicle stands out especially with its smart structure and features. The Monarch autonomous electric tractor model can do many operations on its own with artificial intelligence / machine learning and extensive programming opportunities, thus saving farmers a lot of time.

This is basically powered by Nvidia’s Jetson Xavier NX units. and the tractor, which can move in the field only with cameras and without the need for constant GPS, can also help other tasks in the field as an electricity source, and can also take on the task of spraying as well as cultivating the soil with different configurations. Even a Tesla car can be charged via the tractor.

Monarch Tractor CEO Praveen Penmetsa, “Nvidia Jetson enables the MK-V to run low-latency, real-time AI applications while also saving energy for longer battery life and longer runtime” made the statement. At the same time, the following statement was made about the model:


“The tractor collects and analyzes crop data daily and can process all data from existing and new generation machines equipped with sensors/cameras together. This data can be used for real-time adjustments, long-term yield estimates, current growth stages, and other measures of plant and crop health.”

50 thousand dollars The vehicle, which is offered for sale at a foreign price, will of course not be alone in the field. Because other companies are also working on autonomous tractors. is actively working.
