A mother tweeted that a laptop that neither she nor her husband had ordered recently arrived. Her 16-year-old son had bought the device. The money comes from trading gaming skins.
Uju Anya made a series of posts on Twitter detailing the events surrounding her 16-year-old son’s new laptop.
A laptop was delivered in her son’s name. Knowing that no one else in the family had ordered it, Uju Anya confronted the boy and asked where he got $1,000. The answer: using skins from video games.
In Counter Strike, the skin market is currently booming. Here’s a trailer for the game:
Counter Strike: Global Offensive trailer
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The mother seems surprised that gaming skins bring in so much money
Uju Anya went on to explain what was going on inside her: As a mother, she panicked at first because she didn’t know where the large sum of money came from. She feared bad things, like drugs or cheating.
Instead, the money came from trading gaming skins. Her son showed Uju Anya the details of his items, which he bought with pocket money a year ago and later sold for three times the price.
Here you can see the posts about it on Twitter
The mother seems impressed by her son’s performance and surprised that there is such a large market surrounding gaming skins, an industry reported by Yahoo Finance to be worth around $50 billion as of November 28, 2022 she posted.
The following day, Uju Thanked Anya for Twitter users affirming the 16-year-old’s entrepreneurial spirit. In the meantime, the mother herself has given her son some money so that he can learn more about business and investments.
Skins have been traded through various online marketplaces for years and can sometimes bring in huge amounts of money. A skin has already been exchanged for a BMW.
The trade in cosmetic items for the shooter Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is currently booming. The announcement of the major Counter Strike 2 update in particular has recently boosted interest in the game and its items.
If you want to know more about the current hype surrounding CS:GO skins, you can find more information here:
Steam: Collector uses hype to sell valuable skins in CS:GO for top prices – Turns insane amounts of money