Moldova struggles to retain its young people

Moldova struggles to retain its young people

In thirty years, the small country located between Ukraine and Romania has lost almost a third of its population. Investors are missing and young graduates are choosing exile.


A former Soviet republic, Moldova became the poorest country in Europe after the fall of the USSR, and it still is. : its GDP per capita reaches just 29% of the European average. Now a candidate for entry into the European Union, the country signed an association agreement with the 27 in 2014, which helped accelerate its development. But the transition to an economy oriented towards Europe is a painful one. And the small territory of around two and a half million inhabitants has lost many of its vital forces. Today, it must attract investors and, above all, retain its young graduates. Report from Chisinau, Frédérique Lebel.

European elections:

In EU countries, the first concern of citizens as the Strasbourg Parliament election approaches is purchasing powereconomic issues such as the fight against poverty and exclusion. Immigration only comes in 7th position in the Eurobarometer survey carried out by the European Commission in February-March 2024. However, this figure varies greatly depending on the country. In Austria, immigration management is at the top of the concerns almost on par with the future of Europe. The 2015 migration crisis is still very present in people’s minds. And the far right, at the top of voting intentions, thrives on the difficulties linked to the integration of refugees and their families. Sometimes going as far as inciting racial hatred. Report from Vienna, Céline Béal.

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