Mohamed Mbougar Sarr – In G major

Mohamed Mbougar Sarr In G major

His name is Mohamed Mbougar Sarr and he is a young author, Présence Africaine. Personally, I would say that he is an author who carries and who does not care about literary fashions and who therefore carries from novel to novel a river: made up of characters and personified nature. Senegalese living in France, his life is spent leaning on the white sheet. (Replay of December 18, 2017)

You can feel the shadow of its Serer culture dancing there and admire its Balzacian taste for description. After Earth encircled crowned with the Ahmadou Kourouma prize and the Métis novel prize for his first work, he is now settling alongside migrants waiting for another life in Sicily with Silence of the choir ….

Mohamed Mbougar Sarr is the winner of the 2021 Goncourt Prize for The Most Secret Memory of Men.

The musical choices of Mohamed Mbougar Sarr

Baba Maal Njilou

Ismael Lô Tajaboone

Leonard Cohen So long Marianne

