Moderna or Pfizer: which one to prefer for the vaccine booster dose?

Therapeutic cancer vaccines advance

The booster dose is now available to all adults who want it. From January 15, it will be required to keep a valid health pass. Pfizer or Moderna, which is the best vaccine for the booster dose? And besides, can we really choose it?

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Initially accessible only to the most fragile, the booster dose is now recommended for all adults. Since November 27, 2021:

  • for people who have been vaccinated for the first time with Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca, the booster dose can be given from the 6the months after the last injection;
  • for people who have been vaccinated for the first time with Janssen, the booster dose can be given from the 5e week after the single injection.

From January 15, all people who received their last injection by Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca more than 7 months ago will no longer have a health pass. After this announcement, slots reservations for vaccination have grown and some French people cannot even make an appointment.

Pfizer or Moderna, which is better?

The booster dose must be done with a MRNA, that is, with the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. For patients under 30 years of age, the Pfizer vaccine should be preferred. Rare myocarditis has been observed in patients less than 30 years of age who received Moderna vaccine.

For people over 30, both vaccines are possible. It is not necessary to use the same vaccine as for the primary vaccination. It would even seem that using the Moderna vaccine after two Pfizer injections or the vaccine Pfizer after two injections Moderna provides a better protection.

To be vaccinated, the French have the choice between going to their doctor, to a pharmacy, to a nurse or to a vaccination center.

Can you really choose your vaccine for the booster dose?

It would seem that for the 3e dose, the French will not have much choice! Indeed, some vaccination centers only offer the Moderna vaccine, for example. The Ministry of Health indicated that France has ” large stocks of both vaccines, but even more Moderna “. Since the start of the vaccination campaign, the Pfizer vaccine has been preferred by the French and stocks of Moderna have accumulated. It is true that we have more experience with the Pfizer vaccine compared to the Moderna vaccine. However, they are both safe and effective.

To be able to vaccinate a maximum of people in a minimum of time, France must use all the vaccines at its disposal.

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