Modern Warfare 2 Might Make Me Cry (Update)

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MeinMMO editor Maik Schneider has played through and absorbed almost every Call of Duty campaign. This will not be different in Modern Warfare 2 either. As a precaution, however, he puts handkerchiefs on the coffee table – he can use them when an old CoD story repeats itself.

I can vividly remember my first few minutes in a Call of Duty campaign. A buddy put me on his PC and I played a mission for the soviet army. Unlike my comrades, however, my superior did not put a gun in my hand.

“Unarmed in the middle of a combat zone? This must be broken, let’s restart.”

It was only after a few restarts that we realized that this was a story trick intended to show the Soviets’ lack of equipment in World War II. But the fascination with the story campaigns of Call of Duty hasn’t gone away since then.

Updated October 24th: I’ve finished the campaign and will tell you if I was made to cry in a spoiler box below.

In the end, after all these years, only a few such story fragments remained in my head. CoD has always been more of a spectacle, with a pinch of controversy and plenty of scripted scenes that will have me as a gamer digging, chewing and spitting sweaty back on the couch.

However, there is one twist in the story of CoD that really got me.

A story so full of pain and misunderstanding that it still causes nightmares as a kind of trauma in the minds of many CoD veterans to this day – and Modern Warfare 2 2022 has served everything to repeat history.

We include the launch trailer with many scenes from the story of MW2 here:

CoD: Modern Warfare 2 shows the campaign in the launch trailer

It’s the year 2009. I fall out of my bed in the dorm with a slight headache from last night, the first two lectures have already failed. I’ll skip the third one too, because it’s release day: Modern Warfare 2.

First up is the campaign. The story is opaque, wants to lead me astray, portrays friends as enemies.

When everything finally seems to be settled, a turn of events really hits: General Shepherd, actually our buddy in the US Army, betrays the squad around Taskforce 141.

No big deal for the general, the task force works unofficially, Shepherd has no consequences to fear. In order to appear as a great war hero himself, Shepherd wanted to eliminate all traces of Task Force 141.

He meets up with Ghost and Roach at the end of a mission, pulls out a big magnum and fires a bullet into the chests of the two CoD heroes. “What the hell just happened here?”.

Ghost is dead straight away. I, the player, in the role of Roach, lie motionless in front of the lifeless Ghost. Dramatic music is playing in the background and over the radio the rest of Task Force 141 can be heard yelling as Shepherd’s men attack – “Do not trust Shepherd!”. But it was too late.

Shepherd has us doused in gas, takes a long drag on his cigar and tosses the thick fag into the flammable pool. My mouth is dry, my eyes are wet. What was just done to me here?

We embed a YouTube video of the scene here:

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MrDalekJD writes under the video: “Admit it, who was crying again?”

Modern Warfare 2 2022 brings everything to repeat this traumatic scene, one of Call of Duty’s best stories.

Almost everyone involved is back at the start:

  • Task Force 141
  • Shadow Company
  • Gen. Shepherd
  • Captain Price
  • Ghost
  • soap
  • The only thing missing at the moment is Roach. However, since there is still one member of Taskforce 141 who is not known, this operator could also return. I also don’t want to rule out seeing the villain Makarov again.

    Just before the start of the campaign, I can’t get the story out of my head. My thoughts constantly revolve around this insidious betrayal. How will MW2 solve it in 2022?

    Is history repeating itself and Taskforce 141 is about to die again? Are they maybe just taking parts of the story, like Ghost’s death? Maybe Shepherd is even a good guy?

    The campaign of CoD Modern Warfare 2 – All information in 2 minutes

    I’m sure the CoD MW2 2022 developers will revisit something from the old story. I hope, however, that you will be kind to me. Otherwise the tears will fall faster than I can reload the magazine of my M4.

    Unfortunately it wasn’t as emotional as hoped. The story from back then has been picked up a bit – General Shepherd is doing nasty things, the Shadow Company is against us, Makarov is at least mentioned.

    But the new story didn’t match the old trauma of the ghost kill. Graphically, it’s a real treat for that.

    I’m also interested in your expectations for the “alternative” story of Modern Warfare 2. What are you looking forward to, what should the developers pick up on from the past? Do you remember other missions that were also so engaging? write me a comment

    If you want to find out more about MW2, you can find all the information in our big special about the game: All information about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 – Release, Content and Leaks
